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Tammy’s Kitchen

Let Tammy inspire you to create warm, delicious meals that bring people together, whether it’s during the holiday season or any other time of the year!

The All Seasons Vegan secret ingredient was magic being created out of thin air. The magic began many years ago while decorating Christmas trees with family and from the visions of sugar plums dancing in my head. It sprang from the rooftops all lit in red, green and gold, from chocolate Easter egg hunts, New Years parties, patio lights, door to door Christmas carolling and water balloon fights. It was the dinner feasts, decor for all seasonal occasions and especially the Christmas traditional pierogi making! These were the magical moments that helped shape this cookbook and these are the warm fuzzies in life I wish to share with you.

Growing up in a blended family of six siblings, three aunts, two uncles, all with five or more children, made the Holiday Seasons abundant. To this day, seasonal feasts, quality time with family and close friends are my absolute favourite thing. It is because of my parents that all celebrations were extra special. During the Holidays my parents had a way to create magic out of thin air. Sadly after my fathers passing, the flame for family gatherings went out. Since then, I have enjoyed spreading the warm fuzzy stuff with my daughters, husband, extended family and close friends through hosting frequent parties for upwards of 50 people.

Cooking and extending my love for plant based food with the community began when I opened a vegan eatery and fitness studio about five years ago. At that time, I was building awareness around plant based eating, teaching vegan cooking, health coaching and instructing fitness classes. My love for community developed after frequent moves with my husband’s previous job as an Air Force pilot and with each new home we learned that food was a perfect way to make new friends and bring people together.

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The first thought for the name of this cookbook occurred while out for a stroll with my daughter Klara, chatting about my seasonal vegan recipes. She said to me “Mom, your vegan recipes are for all seasons…vegan”. Many of the recipes were created while building the body of the book. The goal was to revamp all of the family traditional animal-based recipes to fully plant based. Not surprisingly, many of the recipes evolved into something tastier than what I grew up with! The recipes in this cookbook are perfectly built for holidays and celebrations. I also included a Breakfast chapter with classics like buttermilk pancakes, tea biscuits, hash browns, blueberry scones and more. Breakfast is for all seasons so I just had to add this chapter.

Building a 100 recipe cookbook as well as the decoration and design vibe I wanted to capture for this book was very exciting. My husband bought me a Canon camera with a 50 millimetre lens, and the initial goal to cook and capture the food by myself proved next to impossible. After two months, I realized I needed to re-photograph everything…a minor setback but totally worth fixing in the end. Cookbooks are really all about making drool-worthy food photography, so I hired an absolutely amazing professional photographer, Tia Loryssa who had photographed my oil paintings a year prior to making this cookbook. Her equal love for plant based food was the perfect fit. Another integral part of the All Seasons Vegan cookbook team is my oldest daughter Allisha. Allisha helped with everything from holding up lighting props, bussing food for each shot, cleaning up messes, selecting the outfits, hairstyling, makeup and modelling, etc. I could not have completed the huge body of work without Tia or Allisha. Through this journey, I have realized that collaborating with the right team and or community, anything is possible! I am very proud of the work we did together with no previous cookbook launching experience. It has taken me over a year and a half to create and hopefully my standards of yummy and party vibe fun will exceed your expectations!

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Farmhouse Cranberry Kale Salad

Seasonal Featured Recipe

My Measurements Tips

  • T – is for Tablespoon
  • t – is for teaspoon
  • Yields: Family Style Dinner, upwards of 15 people

  • Prep Time: 10 minutes

Must Haves

  • large mixing bowl
  • large serving bowl

What to Grab

  • 2 bunches of washed, chopped kale
  • 6 sliced strawberries
  • 1/4 cup wild blueberries
  • 1/4 cup apple juice sweetened organic dried cranberries
  • 1/4 cup sesame seeds
  • 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
  • 1/4 cup chopped walnuts (optional)


  • 1 cup vegan Mayo (see My Pantry for vegan mayo recommendation)
  • 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
  •  4 T maple syrup
  • 1 t sea salt
  • 1 dash cayenne pepper for a little zing (optional but recommended)


Step 1

Pour kale into a large mixing bowl and fill it with cold water. Massage the kale with your hands for 5 minutes. Strain the water and towel dry any excess water.

Step 2

Chop the kale into small bite sized pieces and add to a large mixing bowl.

Step 3

Rinse the strawberries, remove the stems and set aside. Rinse the blueberries, drain the water and set aside.

Step 4

In a large sized mixing bowl pour in all of the Dressing ingredients and whisk for 20 seconds.

Step 5

Add in all of the what to grab ingredients into the bowl with kale, except the blueberries and strawberries. Mix well.

Step 6

Add the blueberries and strawberries and gently toss for a few seconds. Best served fresh.

Tammy Robinson

Vegan Blueberry Cheesecake

Tammy’s raw vegan cheesecake is creamy, tart and delicious. Easy to make with simple ingredients and no bake fuss. This Vegan cheesecake will not disappoint!

Vegan Sticky Cinnamon Buns

Tammy’s soft and fluffy traditional sticky cinnamon buns. If you like this recipe and want to receive updates on new recipes, click on the button below to subsribe 


Our cookbook features an array of 100 unique and delectable recipes that will exceed your expectations!

Creamy Onion Bean Dip
Creamy Onion Bean Dip

This dip is full of protein, is low in sugar and as far as dips come it is very nutritious and healthy.

Quick Vegan Coconut Curry
Quick Vegan Coconut Curry

This creamy coconut curry sauce is perfect with almost any vegetable, tofu, rice, lentils and more.

Quick Lemonade
Quick Lemonade

In the summer time when the weather is hot this is my favourite go to cold beverage. I always feel so hydrated after drinking it.

Vegan Quiche Lorraine
Vegan Quiche Lorraine

This is the yummiest breakfast or lunch go to for my husband and I lately. When we used to eat eggs years ago we never really enjoyed quiche that much.

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